Are Gorillas Dangerous


Are Gorillas Dangerous : Gorilla in Africa have gained popularity over the years as not only because they are endangered species but also because of their calm and peaceful nature which makes them one of the primate species that can be visited and be observed easily in the wild. Interesting about the gorilla species is the fact that you can get to see the different gorilla types when you visit the different national parks where you can participate in gorilla trekking in Africa.

Gorilla trekking in Uganda and gorilla trekking in Rwanda will give you the chance to see the endangered mountain gorillas in Bwindi impenetrable national park,  Mgahinga national park and in volcanoes national park where you can access the endangered mountain gorilla families by hiking the Virunga mountains that is mountain Gahinga, mount sabyinyo, mount karisimbi, mount bisoke, mount gahinga and mount Muhabura that will lead you to the endangered mountain gorilla families, you can also take part in gorilla trekking in Virunga national park and gorilla trekking in  kahuzi biega national park where you will be able to understand more about the eastern lowland gorillas.

 Gorilla trekking involves tracking the endangered species in the wild on foot and when you get to the habituated gorilla families, you will get the chance to spend one hour with them understanding their different behaviour in the wild like their strength vs humans, you will get to understand how strong they are, you will get to understand their  co-existence with one another, you will find how they establish their territories, you will get to know their social structure where by the dominant male/ silver back is the head of a particular gorilla family and how he gets to power which is another interesting feature about the primates in the wild.

Although the gorillas are among the most peaceful primate species in the wild which led to their nickname the gentle giants by dian Fossey who was studying the mountain gorillas in volcanoes national park that were exercising being gentle and calm no matter the circumstances in the wild however there a number of issues that can trigger them and lead them to act out violently towards one another, towards other animal species and the humans during gorilla trekking in the national parks in Africa where you can take part in gorilla trekking.

Are Gorillas Dangerous
Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park

The only time where the gorillas can be found dangerous is when they are  provoked by humans during gorillas  trekking for instance when humans  make eye contact with them because this can be a sign of a challenge for a fight and this can be done by any silverback in any gorilla family to challenge the dominant male of the group for leadership purposes which makes it quite dangerous for humans to make eye contact with the gorillas because they are quite strong species whereby an adult male can weigh up to 336kg  and adult male can weigh up to 118kg and is considered ten times stronger than any human which can be quite dangerous in case a fight breaks out.

Therefore, before you participate in gorilla trekking in Africa, you should consider paying attention during the briefing session where you will be told the rules and regulations to follow during gorilla trekking in to avoid any accidents during the memorable activity.  For a number of animals that encroach on the territory of the gorillas, they can be seen fighting for their land and during  in   stances where their young ones are killed and this usually happen during food scarcity and chimpanzees are among the primates that like preying on young gorillas this can lead to fight outbreaks  and in such scenarios it can be fatal since gorillas are quite stronger than the chimpanzees.


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