Interesting Facts About Golden Monkeys in Africa

Interesting Facts About Golden Monkeys in Africa : Golden monkey trekking in Africa, have also gained popularity over the years like the gorilla trekking in Africa because of the fact that the golden monkeys are also Albertine endemic species that you will also get to observe while spending time with them. Golden monkey trekking in Africa is carried in a number of national parks but its only limited to the Albertine rift because they can only be found within the area. Among the different destinations where you will access the golden monkeys include Uganda where you will participate in golden monkey trekking in Mgahinga national park, in Rwanda, you can participate in golden monkey trekking in volcanoes national park where you can also participate in the gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda and in Congo you can participate in golden monkey trekking in Virunga national park a park famous for the mount Nyiragongo and also where you can take part in gorilla trekking in Congo. While you participate in golden monkey trekking in Africa there are a number of interesting facts about the golden monkeys in Africa that you will get to understand and these include;


Golden monkeys consume a plant based diet and can be seen feasting on over 20 different plants types but on rare occasion, they can also be seen eating a number of invertebrates like centipedes, millipedes as part of their snacks but this is on a rare occasion since their diet mainly consists of the mainly plant products. The most common product that they can be seen snacking on include the bamboo leaves and shoots.

Interesting Facts About Golden Monkeys in Africa
Golden monkey

They are literally golden

While you make your way to the golden monkey troops in the wild, you will get to see why they are called golden monkeys this is because of their golden fur that can be seen that makes its way from the tail straight to their back and spread to the cheeks which makes them one of the most beautiful primates in the wild that you should not miss out in watching therefore carry your camera and capture the beautiful creatures in wild.


The golden monkeys are quite different from the gorillas where the dominant silverback has all the mating rights with the adult females in the group which is note the case for the golden monkeys that can easily mate with the females in the group without any consequences in the wild. The adult male in the habituated golden monkey troops can mate with all the females in wild however it is the females that initiate mating whereby they can be seen enticing the males to mate with them and they can be seen making eye contact as a way to entice the males. Once a male mate with the female and she gets pregnant, they have a gestation period which takes five months and once the infant is born, it will take about 2 years until they start getting its freedom like swinging from one tree branch to another, joining other monkey troops, forming their own troops and so on.

Interesting Facts About Golden Monkeys in Africa
Golden Monkey Trekking

Social behavior

The golden monkeys can be seen in a group of about 30 you 80 individuals where by the male is the head of the group and although they are high numbers of individuals in the troop the dominant male is well respected and has all the authority over the monkeys in the group. In case the monkeys are unhappy in their different troops, they can be seen leaving and heading to other golden monkey troops or can also be seen making their own monkey troops.

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