Reasons for gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park

Reasons for gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park

Reasons for gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park

Reasons for gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park will give you an insight into why you should visit this park in Rwanda and not any other. Volcanoes National Park is home to a number of primate species making it the ultimate primate safari destination in Rwanda. Some of the different primates that can be seen in the park include the golden monkeys where tourists can get to know more about them as they carry out golden monkey trekking, black and white colobus monkeys that can also be tracked in the park. The park is also home to a number of mountain gorilla families which have attracted a number of tourists from all over the world to participate in gorilla trekking in Rwanda.

For tourists have second thoughts of participating in gorilla trekking in Rwanda, here are some of the reason why you should carry out gorilla trekking in volcanoes National Park.

Endangered gorilla species

With gorilla trekking in volcanoes national park, tourists will have the chance to see half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas that can only be found in the virunga massive. Volcanoes national park has five virunga mountains namely Mount Sabyinyo, Mount Muhabura, Mount Karisimbi, Mount Bisoke, and Mount Gahinga. Gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park will enable you to visit one of the different gorilla families in the park where you will get to spend one hour with the family in order to get to know more about the gorilla species by observing their behavior while in the wild.

You will get to visit habituated gorilla groups

Gorilla trekking in volcanoes is quite thrilling because it will enable you to visit a number of habituated gorilla families in volcanoes national park. The different gorilla families in the park have been visited many times which has enabled them to get accustomed to human presence. Therefore visit volcanoes National Park and get the chance to visit the habituated gorilla groups that will not attack you t any moment because they are used to human presence because of the fact that they are highly trained with a lot of experience when it comes to being in the presence of people.

Hike the Virunga Mountains

While carrying out gorilla trekking in virunga national park, you will get to hike the five virunga mountains in the park in order to access the different Rwanda gorilla families in the park. In the park, you can find the different mountain gorilla families along the slopes of the Virunga Mountains. by hiking the virunga mountains to access the gorillas will enable you to see a number of exceptional views and attractions that can be seen for instance the different monkey species, golden monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, the vervet monkey you will also see a number of bird species like Rockefellers’ sunbird, Chapin’s flycatcher, Rwenzori Batis, strange weaver, red-throated alethe, Rwenzori turaco among other interesting bird species.

Dian Fossey

During gorilla trekking in the park, you will also visit Dian Fossey’s grave that is found between Mount Karisimbi and Mount Bisoke in order to access the Susa gorilla family and karisimbi gorilla family. Dian Fossey risked her life to protect the mountain gorillas in volcanoes national park. It’s because of her efforts that she carried out to protect the mountain gorillas in the park which have increased the gorilla numbers. 

It created awareness of the advantages of the gorillas in the park and this has attracted a number of tourists to come into the park to come and see the legacy of Dian Fossey, who ensured that the gorillas are protected however with her efforts in the park, she was found dead in her cabin and after she was then buried at the gorilla cemetery at Karisoke where you will get to visit on your way to the different gorilla families.

Reasons for gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park
Dian Fossey’s Grave – Reasons for gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park

Safety of the park

You should choose Volcanoes National park as your gorilla trekking destination because of its safety. Volcanoes national park is one of the safest parks among the different Rwanda parks that can be visited. The park ensures that the tourists are in a safe environment and ensure that they take part in safe activities.  Before accessing the park, you will get to go through the security checkpoint where you will be checked for any security threats. You will also have a chance to participate in the different activities in the park including gorilla trekking while in a safe environment which will ensure that you have a memorable experience while in the park.

Reasons for gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park

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